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SAP had built up a world-class group of global sponsorship properties and technical showcase solutions with potentially millions of ‘built in’ fans, media and available assets but they had no central digital storytelling strategy.


SAP wanted us to create a platform for storytelling that showed SAP to be the globally recognized leader in the space where technology and data meets the worlds of sport and entertainment. Whilst the B2B audience was important, SAP also wanted to humanize their brand and use their sports and entertainment properties to reach 1BN people, which would necessitate engaging with a far wider B2C audience than they had done in the past.


To develop the platform we generated key personas through workshops and then worked user case scenarios for each persona delivering appropriate content and user experiences around which a specification for the platform could be made.


Using leading open source ASP.NET CMS Umbraco, we built a flexible web platform allowing for prioritization of content. We used existing SAP social channels, and channels associated with their various sponsorship rights, to generate traffic and further propagate relevant content. The platform harmonizes cross-channel messaging and experience.


SAP’s portfolio has been expanding into new directions – such as music and the platform enables fans to engage with content that they are passionate about. SAP can now utilize the portfolio resources to create unique assets that provide meaningful insights for fans and help to position SAP at the center of conversations around sports, entertainment and data.


Role and responsibilities: Strategy, Concepts, Wireframes, Interactive Design and Development

GMR Marketing 2014

02 - SAP Sponsorships UX Strategy

© 2020 Matthew Mayes


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